Weather summary for Teignmouth, Dawlish and nearby areas by Mike Trigger

Items marked * contain estimates to fill in missing data

The monthly weather summary is prepared as soon as possible each month and is based on unofficial recordings and the opinion of the author. No claim is made about the accuracy of the summary. If you are aware of an error or omission please e-mail   (Seasonal summaries available by 10th).

The longer term averages are sourced from the Met Office.

LTA=long term average 1981 to 2010

Weather Summary Year 2021 2nd January 2022

Dawlish data suggests temperature near or marginally above the 1981-2010 average despite above average nights with frost. Rainfall slightly above average but with an average number of dry and "wet days" (1mm or more). Sunshine probably below average.

UKMO estimated from climate charts (prelim)
Averate temperature 11C, anomaly 0.2 to 0.5C. Rainfall 1000mm, anomaly near average. Sunsine 1650 hours, anomaly near average.

Teignmouth missing data
Mean temperature *C (LTA 11.5C). Total rain **mm (LTA 847mm). * dry days (LTA 187), 27 days with 1mm or more (LTA 122).
Total sun ** hours (LTA 1747 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 11.5C. Air Frost 32 days. Total rain 1085mm. 121 days with 1mm or more. 190 dry days. 10mm or more 37days. 20mm or more 15 days.
Total sun hours 1552 hours.

Weather Summary December 2021 1st January 2022

During the first 10 days of December there were spells of wet and windy weather as a series of Lows moved across the UK. On the 7th and 8th one such Low was the named storm “Barra” which brought gales across the UK including SW England. Brief transient ridges and colder northly winds, between the Lows, caused the coldest temperatures of the month. After the 10th, High pressure developed over England, resulting in a dry period lasting for about 10 days. During this period skies were often cloudy and despite a period of easterly winds temperatures only reduced slowly so that the district remained frost free. Low pressure then displaced the High, returning unsettled weather to the district for the remainder of December. Christmas in particular was a very wet and extremely dull day. Strong and gusty SW winds brought exceptionally mild air from the Azores and Canaries across England which produced new record high temperature values for the end of December.

A chart sequence for December 2021 can be viewed at here
In terms of statistics (30 year averages 1981 to 2010):
December typically sees around 13 “wet” and 13 dry days, but with the rainfall total of between 100 to 120mm being slightly above average, it is not surprising there were a few more wet days than normal. The wettest day of the month was the 25th with around 30 to 35mm across the district. There were three other rather wet days with over 10mm of rain, 3rd, 7th and 27th.

The temperature for the month averaged out at 9.2 Celsius which is over two degrees above average. The warmest day was on the 29th when temperatures rose to almost 16 Celsius. The coldest morning was the 2nd when minimum temperatures ranged from 1 or 2 Celsius near the coast, to just below freezing inland but as low as minus 2 Celsius in Netherton. Typically there are 4 night air frosts in December but areas near the coast and the Teign estuary were frost free.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy remained around 11 Celsius during December.

Sunshine, estimated at around 35 hours, was about half the average.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, December 2021 was milder, wetter and cloudier than average.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den.
Mean temperature **C (LTA 7.1C). Average Max **C (LTA 9.8*C). Highest **C on **th. Average Min **C (LTA 4.4C). Lowest **C on **st. Air frost **. (Average 4). Potential *** ground frosts
Total rain **mm (LTA 103mm). ** dry days, * days with *mm or more (LTA 13). Wettest day *mm on the **st 0900 to 0900 hours next day. ** day with >= 10mm. ** days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *** hours (LTA 60.4 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 9.2C. Air frost 1 day. Ground frost possible 6 days. Highest 15.5C on 29th. Lowest -0.4C morning of 2nd. Total rain 119.9mm. 10 dry days, 16 days with 1mm or more, 4 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 35mm 25th .
Digital sun 17 hours (correction factor 2) = 35 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 9.3C. Air frost 0 days. Ground frost possible 6 days. Highest 15C on 29th. Lowest 1.5C morning of 2nd. Total rain 105mm. 12 dry days 16days, with 1mm or more, 3 days 10mm or more, 1 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 32.5mm 25th .

Average temp 8.8C. Air frost 3days. Ground frost possible 10 days. Highest 15.2C on 29th. Lowest -2.2C morning of 2nd. Total rain 115mm. 9 dry days, 15 days with 1mm or more, 3 days 10mm or more, 1 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 28.7mm 25th .
Digital sun 9 hours (correction factor 2) = 18 hours ??.

Weather Summary Autumn 2021 updated 2 Dec 2021

The mean temperature was 12.8 Celsius, which was marginally above the 1981-2010 average of 12.3 Celsius. Sunshine was around 320 hours, slightly below the long term average of 356 hours. The rain total of around 290mm was above the long term average of 240mm. There were, however, fewer days with 1mm or more of rain 28 compared to the average of 41 and the number of dry days was also above average at 48 days conpared to 35 days. Sunshine totals were a little below the average of 356 hours.
This fits with the idea of a warmer climate producing cloudier skies and higher rain totals despite a lower number of wet days.


Dawlish inland.
Average temp 12.8C. Air Frost 1. Total rain 294mm. 28 days with 1mm or more. 49 dry days. 10 days with 10mm or more 6 days with 20mm or more.
Total sun 319 hours.

Average temp 11.9C. Air Frost 7. Total rain 290mm. 24 days with 1mm or more. 49 dry days. 10 days with 10mm or more 7 days with 20mm or more.
Total sun 299 hours.

Teignmouth inland
Mean temperature 12.7C. Total rain 278mm. 47 dry days. 29 days with 1mm or more. 10 days with 10mm or more 6 days with 20mm or more.

Teignmouth Den
Mean temperature *12.9 (LTA 12.3C). Total rain *318mm (LTA 241mm). * dry days (LTA 35). 9 days with 1mm or more (LTA 9). * days with 10mm or more
Total sun *323 hours (LTA 356 hours).

Weather Summary November 2021 1st December 2021

November 2021 had an unusual number of dry days and a correspondingly low rainfall total.

The month started unsettled due to a deep low pressure centre over Scotland. This centre filled and moved east as high pressure built in from the west. The high gave way temporarily allowing a weak cold front to move across the district overnight on the 6/7th. This was followed by milder SW winds between 8th and 10th during which time the highest temperatures of the month were recorded. Low pressure moved across the North of Britain with the associated fronts bringing some light rain to the district on the 11th and 12th. Pressure then remained fairly high right through to the 25th with only weak weather fronts crossing the district and producing some light rain on the 15th 16th 20th and 21st. After the 26th a deep area of low pressure over Fair Isle moved due south over the East of Scotland and England. This was the named storm Arwen which brought very cold northerly winds southwards along with storm force winds. In Dawlish and Teignmouth winds reached about 50mph in the early hours of the 27th but over the hills winds were much stronger and some trees and branches were brought down. The cold northerly winds fell light overnight producing a widespread frost on the mornings of the 28th and 29th before milder air and a little rain arrived on the 30th.

A chart sequence for November 2021 can be viewed here.

In terms of statistics:

Rainfall totals of 20 to 25mm were about a third or less of the average November rainfall and there were at least 15 dry days. There were several other days with only a small amount of rain. The wettest day of the month was the 26th and even then only around 7mm was recorded.

The temperature for the month averaged out close to the long-term value of 9 Celsius. The warmest day was on the 8th when temperatures rose to near 17 Celsius. The coldest morning was the 29th when many places had a frost. Lowest values ranged from just above zero near the coast to minus one Celsius inland but as low as minus two and half degrees in some rural valleys. The Netherton area for instance recorded 7 night frost compared to one in the Teignmouth and Dawlish area.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy eased down to 11 Celsius from 15 Celsius at the start of the month.

Sunshine at around 70 hours was a little below average.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, November 2021 had much lower rainfall totals, near average temperature and slightly below average sunshine.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den.
Mean temperature 9.6C (LTA 9.3C). Average Max 12.6C (LTA 12.1C). Highest 15.7C on **th. Average Min 6.6C (LTA 6.4C). Lowest 1.1C on **st. Air frost 0. (Average 1). Potential *** ground frosts
Total rain 25.5mm (LTA 89.1mm). ** dry days (LTA 12), * days with 1mm or more (LTA 12). Wettest day *mm on the **st 0900 to 0900 hours next day. ** days with >= 10mm. 0 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun 81.7 hours (LTA 84 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 9C. Air frost 1days. Ground frost possible 11 days. Highest 16.7C on 8th. Lowest -1C morning of 29th. Total rain 25mm. 16 dry days, 6 days with 1mm or more, 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 7mm 26th .
Digital sun 67.3 hours (correction factor 0.0) = 67.3 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 8.5C. Air frost 1 days. Ground frost possible 5 days. Highest 16C on 8th. Lowest 0C morning of 29th. Total rain 21mm. 12 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more, 0 days 10mm or more, 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 4.5mm 26th.

Average temp 8.1C. Air frost 7 days. Ground frost possible 16 days. Highest 16.1C on 8th. Lowest -2.5C morning of 29th. Total rain 25.5mm. 15 dry days, 5 days with 1mm or more, 0 days 10mm or more, 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 6.6mm 12th and 26th .
Digital sun 47.2 hours (correction factor 0.0) = 47.2 hours.

Weather Summary October 2021 1st November 2021

October 2021 was milder than average but had around twice the quantity of rainfall despite the number of dry and wet days being close to average.

October started unsettled with low pressure across Scotland and associated weather fronts sweeping across the UK. Following another low pressure centre, which moved across Wales on the 5th, there was a change to drier weather as high pressure built across the country. The mainly dry weather lasted until the 17th when Atlantic low pressure again started to bring weather fronts in from the west. The 19th and 20th were particularly wet and this was partially due to storm “Aurore”. The storm, named by Meteo France, moved quickly east and brought gales to some coastal areas of Southern England and Northern France. After two more short dry intervals the month ended as it started, wet and windy.

A chart sequence for October 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics (30 year average based on 1981 to 2010):

Rainfall totals were around twice the average with many places recording as much as 200mm. There were seven days when 10mm or more of rain fell which is about double the average number of days and there were five days when totals reached at least 20mm. For most the period with the highest rain total was the 19th and 20th when typical rainfall totals were around 70mm. Despite the high rainfall totals there were around 14 dry days which is similar to the 30 year average.

The average temperature for the month was between 13 and 14 Celsius, about a degree above the long term average. The warmest day, with a temperature of around 21 Celsius, occurred on the 10th. The coldest morning was on the 14th in the Dawlish area but on the 22nd in the Teignmouth area. Netherton got as low as 1 Celsius on the 22nd and it is likely that some of the valleys bordering the Teign had a touch of ground frost.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy eased down to 15 Celsius from 16 Celsius at the start of the month.

Sunshine at around 100 hours was a little below average.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, October 2021 was milder with higher rainfall totals despite an average number of dry days

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. added when available - lots of missing data / estimates -
Mean temperature 12.9*C (LTA 12.3C). Average Max 16.4*C (LTA 15.2C). Highest 19.5C on 11th. Average Min *9.4C (LTA 9.3C). Lowest 4*C on 22nd. Air frost 0. (Average 0). Potential *1 ground frosts
Total rain *213.9*mm (LTA 94.3mm). 15* dry days, 13 days with 1mm or more (LTA *12). Wettest day 35*mm on the 28th 0900 to 0900 hours next day. 7 day with >= 10mm. 6 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *99* hours (LTA 110.6 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 13.3C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 21C on 10th. Lowest 5C morning of 14th. Total rain 200mm. 15 dry days, 13 days with 1mm or more. 7 days 10mm or more. 5 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 40mm 20th .
Digital sun 120 hours (correction factor 0.85) = 102 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 13.5C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 19.5C on 10th. Lowest 5.5C morning of 22nd. Total rain 190mm. 15 dry days 13 days, with 1mm or more, 7 days 10mm or more, 5 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 35mm 28th .
Teignmouth top of town Wettest day 37.5mm 20th. Digital sun 119.3 hours (correction factor 0.85) = 101 hours.

Average temp 12.5C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 4 days. Highest 20C on 10th. Lowest 0.9C morning of 22nd. Total rain 217mm. 14 dry days, 13 days with 1mm or more, 7 days 10mm or more, 6 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 35mm 20th.
Digital sun 115 hours (correction factor 0.85) = 98 hours.

Weather Summary September 2021 1st October 2021

September 2021 was warmer and cloudier but despite higher than average rainfall totals there were fewer “rain days”.

High pressure, initially centred over Scotland, brought a week of fine weather to most of the UK at the start of the month. The High drifted East, turning winds more southerly, which allowed warmer air to spread from France producing some very warm temperatures across SW England. This was not to last, however, as Low pressure in the Bay of Biscay moved towards SW England leading to a period of heavy thundery rain. Although a weak ridge of higher pressure developed on the 11th this soon gave way allowing a series of fairly weak weather fronts to bring showery spells of rain across the district for the middle part of the month. High pressure developed again after the 19th and this brought almost a week of mostly fine weather when afternoon temperatures were reliably over 20 Celsius. The High declined after the 26th as a spell of Autumnal wet and windy weather swept across the district.

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month was around 70mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, which was above the long term average (LTA) of about 60mm. There were around 19 dry days (LTA 17), 6 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA 9), 3 days with 10mm or more of rain (LTA 2) and one day with over 20mm of rain. Roughly two thirds of the month rain fell on the 27th and 28th, the 28th being the wettest day with over an inch (25mm) in most places. Once again the majority of the rainfall occurred during a relatively few days, the 9th being the other notably wet day.

The temperature for the month averaged out at 16 Celsius which is about a degree above the 30 year average (1981-2010). The lowest value for most parts occurred on the 28th or 29th with temperature lows typically between 6 and 9 Celsius. The warmest values of between, 23 Celsius near the coast and 27 Celsius inland, were recorded on the 6th.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy was 18 Celsius for most of the month dipping to 17 Celsius at the end of September.

Sunshine was a little below average with around 150 hours compared to the average of 161 hours.

A chart sequence for September 2021 can be viewed here.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, September 2021 was warmer and cloudier with higher rainfall totals despite fewer wet days.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den.
Mean temperature *16.2C (LTA 15.2C). Average Max *19.9C (LTA 18.6C). Highest 22.6C on 7th/21st. Average Min *12.5C (LTA 11.7C). Lowest 8.7C on 26th. Air frost 0. (Average 0).
Total rain *78.6*mm (LTA 57.5mm). 18 dry days (LTA 17), 6* days with 1mm or more (LTA 9). Wettest day 29.7mm on the 27th/28th 0900 to 0900 hours next day. 3 days with >= 10mm. 1 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *141.9* hours (LTA 160.6 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 16.1C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 26.8C on 6th. Lowest 6.4C morning of 29th. Total rain 68mm. 18 dry days, 5 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 26mm 28th .
Digital sun 186.8 hours (correction factor 0.8) = 150 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 16C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 23.5C on 7th. Lowest 9C morning of 29th. Total rain 67mm. 20 dry days 9 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 23mm 28th.
Digital sun 189.7 hours (correction factor 0.8) = 152 hours.

Average temp 15.1C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 24.8C on 6th. Lowest 5.1C morning of 29th. Total rain 65.9mm. 19 dry days, 6 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 25.4mm 28th .
Digital sun 193 hours (correction factor 0.8) = 154 hours.

Weather Summary Summer 2021 updated 2 Sep 2021

The mean temperature was 16.8 Celsius, which was marginally above the 1981-2010 average of 16.6 Celsius. Sunshine was around 560 hours, well below the long term average of 657 hours. The rain total of around 240mm was well above the long term average of 150mm. There were, however, only a few more days with 1mm or more of rain than the average of 23 and the number of dry days was close to the average of 54 days. This fits with the idea of a warmer climate producing cloudier skies and higher rain totals despite a similar number of wet days.


Mean temperature *16.7C (LTA 16.6C). Total rain *246*mm (LTA 150mm). 53* dry days (LTA 54), 27 days with 1mm or more (LTA 23).
Total sun *559* hours (LTA 657 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 16.8C. Total rain 232mm. 25 days with 1mm or more. 55 dry days
Total sun 567 hours (LTA 657 hours).

Average temp 16.3C. Total rain 221mm. 30 days with 1mm or more. 54 dry days
Total sun 589 hours (LTA 657 hours).

Weather Summary August 2021 updated 2 Sept 2021

Low pressure dominated the weather patterns during the first ten days of August. Winds were light initially until a rather deep area of Low pressure moved across Ireland on the 5th and 6th. The Low then lingered over Scotland for several days with its associated weather fronts crossing the district, resulting in a wet and windier spell of weather. Despite the unsettled weather, daily rainfall totals were not especially large and there were some sunny periods too. After the 10th, pressure rose a little but weak weather systems brought further sporadic rain. On the 21st a more active weather front produced what was for most of the district the wettest day of the month. A strong build in pressure followed this front and High pressure came to dominate the weather pattern for the remainder of the month.

A chart sequence for August 2021 can be viewed here.

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month was around 30 to 40mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, which was below the long term average (LTA) of 54mm. There were around 20 dry days (LTA 16), 7 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA 8) but there were no days with 10mm or more of rain (LTA 2).
The average temperature for the month was 16.7 Celsius, slightly below the LTA of 17.2 Celsius. Lowest values for most parts occurred on either the 3rd or the 10th with temperature lows typically between 8 and 10 Celsius. The warmest values of between 22 and 25 Celsius were recorded between the 21st and 26th, the 26th seeing values of around 25 Celsius in Dawlish.
The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy was between 17 and 18 Celsius throughout August.
Sunshine was below average with around 170 to 190 hours compared to the average of 210 hours. There were only five days with over eight hours of sunshine recorded at Teignmouth.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, August 2021 was drier, cooler and cloudier.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C. Sunshine from digital systems adjusted downwards.

Teignmouth Den.
Mean temperature *16.8C (LTA 17.2C). Average Max *20.7C (LTA 20.7C). Highest *22*C on *26*th. Average Min 13.5*C (LTA 13.7C). Lowest 10.3C on 10/11th.
Total rain *26.7*mm (LTA 54.1mm). 20* dry days, 5* days with 1mm or more (LTA 8). Wettest day 8.7mm on the 7th 0900 to 0900 hours next day. 0 day with >= 10mm. 0 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *169.1* hours (LTA 209.6 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 16.7C. Highest 25C on 26th. Lowest 8.5C morning of 10th. Total rain 37.5mm. 19 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 7.6mm 21st.
Total sun *189* hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 17C. Highest 23C on 26th. Lowest 11C morning of 3rdt. Total rain 35mm. 19 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 8mm 21st.

Average temp 16.1C. Highest 23.1C on 4/26th. Lowest 7.5C morning of 3rd. Total rain *30mm. 20 dry days. 8 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 5.6mm 21st.
Total sun *201* hours.

Weather Summary July 2021 compiled 1st August 2021

Despite a fine start, with high pressure over SW England, July soon turned unsettled as low pressure and associated weather fronts moved in from the Atlantic. Later, on the 5th and through the 6th, a rather deep low moved East along the English Channel bringing the wettest day of the month for most of the district. A brief ridge of higher pressure followed, although with a few showers in the northwest breeze. A rather weak weather system brought some further rain between the 10 and 12th. A largely fine, warm and even hot spell followed between the 13th and 22nd as high pressure developed across the UK. Temperatures rose steadily during this period reaching between 27 and 30 Celsius on the 21st. The fine weather did not last as low pressure moved in from the Atlantic bringing rain at times from the 23rd. On the night of the 29th into the 30th a storm, named Evert by the Met Office, moved close to the north coast of Cornwall and into the Bristol Channel. This brought unseasonal gales to parts of SW England and a showery north-westerly to end the month.

A chart sequence for July 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics:

Rainfall for the month was around 90mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, which was double the long term average (LTA). There were between 14 and 18 dry days (LTA 20 days), 13 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA of 7 days) and there was between 2 and 4 days with 10mm or more of rain (LTA 1 or 2 days).

The average temperature for the month was 18 Celsius, slightly above the LTA of 17.3 Celsius. Lowest values were in the first week of the month, for most parts this occurred on the 5 or 6th with a low of 11 Celsius although some inland areas dipped to 9 Celsius. The highest values of between 27 and 31 Celsius were recorded on the 21st which was at the end of a week with afternoon temperatures of over 25 Celsius.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy started the month at 16 Celsius and ended near 17 Celsius. Sea temperatures reached over 20 Celsius between the 16th and 27th when winds were light and the weather hot and sunny. The sea temperature reached an exceptionally warm 22 Celsius between the 18th and 22nd

Sunshine was estimated to be close to or slightly below the long term average of 225 hours.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, July was warmer and wetter but with near or below average sunshine.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. updated 2 Aug 2021
Mean temperature 18.1*C (LTA 17.3C). Average Max 21.5*C (LTA 20.8C). Highest 26.8C on 21st. Average Min 14.6*C (LTA 13.7C). Lowest 11.6C on 6th.
Total rain 105*mm (LTA 45.5mm). 14* dry days, 14* days with 1mm or more (LTA 7). Wettest day recorded but looks overdone 24.9mm on the 26th 0900 to 0900 hours next day, otherwise wettest day 19.1mm on the 5th 0900 to 0900 hours next day. 3 days with >= 10mm (LTA 1 or 2). 1 days with >= 20mm (uncertain).
Total sun 230* hours (LTA 225 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 18C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 30C on 21st. Lowest 11C morning of 6th. Total rain 88mm. 14 dry days. 13 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 15.5mm 5th.
Digital sun hours 277 (estimated corrected 221 hours).

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 18.5C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0days. Highest 27C on 21st. Lowest 11.5C morning of 6th. Total rain 97mm. 12 dry days. 15 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 16mm 5th .

Average temp 17.5C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 30.4C on 21st. Lowest 9.2C morning of 5th. Total rain 95mm. 16 dry days. 13 days with 1mm or more. 4 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 13.5mm 12th (12.9mm 5th).
Digtal sun 281.5 hours (estimated corrected 225 hours).

Weather Summary June 2021 compiled 010721

June 2021 was warmer, cloudier and had higher rainfall totals but marginally more dry days when compared to the 1981 to 2010 average.

Low pressure moved North over SW England early in the month bringing a little rain on the 2nd. From the 3rd, higher pressure developed across SW England and despite a series of weak weather systems that moved across the district, the weather was mostly dry up to the 18th. Low pressure from the Atlantic combined with a thundery plume from France to give three days of rain from the 19th. This was followed by a temporary ridge of higher pressure before low pressure moved from the North Sea across southern England and into the Bay of Biscay. The low then brought another thundery plume of moist rain bearing air across SW England leading to an unusually wet 48 hours on the 27th and 28th when around 50mm of rain fell.

A chart sequence for June 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics:

Rainfall for the month totalled around 100mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, that’s about twice the long term average (LTA) of around 50mm. There were around 20 dry days (LTA 19), 7 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA 8), but as many as 4 days with at least 10mm of rain (LTA 2) and in places there were 2 or 3 days when 20mm or more of rain was recorded.

The temperature for the month averaged out between 15 and 16 Celsius, which was slightly above normal. Lowest values were on the 4th when coastal temperatures dipped to around 7 or 8 Celsius and inland areas to between 3 and 6 Celsius. The highest temperature, between 24 and 27 Celsius, was recorded on the 14th in most places, but a few locations had their highest temperature on the 30th.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy warmed to 16 Celsius from mid-month.

Long term average sunshine is around 220 hours but the estimated value for June 2021 was below normal at around 170 hours.

In summary, compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, June was warmer, cloudier and had higher rainfall totals but marginally more dry days.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. updated 050721
Mean temperature 15.2C (LTA 15.2C). Average Max 18.8C (LTA 18.7C). Highest 24.6C on **th. Average Min 11.8C (LTA 11.6C). Lowest 7C on **st.
Total rain 114mm (LTA 50.5mm). 19 dry days (LTA 19),
Total sun 160.3 hours (LTA 222.4 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 15.8C. Air frost 0 days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 27C on 14th. Lowest 5.5C morning of 4thst. Total rain 106mm. 20 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more. 4 days 10mm or more. 3 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 36mm 27th.
Sunshine digital 262 hours corrected estimate 160hours

Dawlish East combined locations
Average temp 17C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 26.3C on 30th. Lowest 8.8C morning of 4th. Total rain 94mm. 21 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more. 4 days 10mm or more. 2 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 28.2mm 27th .
Sunshine digital 281 hours corrected estimate 170 hours

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 16C. Air frost 0days. Ground frost possible 0days. Highest 25C on 14th. Lowest 6C morning of 4th. Total rain 95mm. 18 dry days. 7 days with 1mm or more. 4 days 10mm or more. 2 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 31mm 27th.
Sunshine (combined locations) digital 275 hours, corrected estimate 165hours

Average temp 15.4C. Air frost 0 days. Ground frost possible 1 days. Highest 25.2C on 14th. Lowest 3.4C morning of 4th. Total rain 96mm. 18 dry days. 9 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 2 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 39.9mm 27th .
Digital sun 272 hours, corrected estimage 163hours.

Weather Summary Spring: March April May 2021 (1st June2021)

Spring 2021, was slightly sunnier, slightly wetter and about a degree colder than average.

Temperature: mean around 9 Celsius (average 10C)

Rain: 240mm (average 187).

Sunshine: 580 hours (average 480)

Weather Summary May 2021 1st June 2021

Early in May and for the last five or six days of the month, High Pressure brought fine and latterly some fairly warm weather across the district. For most of the month, however, Low Pressure dominated the weather patterns as a series of depressions moved across the UK. On the 3rd, 9th and 20th the depressions were unusually deep for the time of year. The associated weather systems brought periods of wet and at times windy weather across the Dawlish and Teignmouth district. Most notable was the wet period between the 8th and the 15th. On just two days, the 12 and 13th, enough rain fell to equal the average for a normal May.
A chart sequence for March 2021 can be viewed here.
In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month totalled between 180mm and 250mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area which was almost four times the long term average (LTA) of around 60mm. There were around 10 dry days (LTA 17), 14 to 18 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA 9), as many as 10 days with at least 10mm of rain (LTA 2) and in places there were four days when 20mm or more of rain was recorded.

The temperature for the month averaged out between 10 and 11 Celsius, which is over a degree colder than normal. Lowest values were on the 1st and 2nd of the month when coastal temperatures dipped to around two or three Celsius but some inland locations had values close to or below freezing. Netherton recorded a low of minus one point six Celsius on the 2nd. The highest temperature between 18 and 21 Celsius was recorded during the last few days of May.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy warmed to 13 Celsius by the end of the month.

Long term average sunshine is around 217 hours in Teignmouth but the value for May 2021 was well below normal at 175.6 hours.

In summary, May 2021 was much wetter, colder and cloudier than average.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C
Due to a WU website problem some data missing.

Teignmouth Den. added 100621
Mean temperature 10.4C (LTA 12.4C). Average Max 14.1C (LTA 15.7C). Highest 17.7C on ?th. Average Min 6.7C (LTA 9C). Lowest 1.3C on ?. Air frost 0. (Average 0).
Total rain 1875mm (LTA 59mm). ** dry days (LTA17), 22 days with 1mm or more (LTA 9).
Total sun 175.6 hours (LTA 217.5 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 10.9C. Air frost 0 days. Ground frost possible 3 days. Highest 19C on 29th. Lowest 0.7C morning of 2nd. Total rain 200mm. 10 dry days. 17 days with 1mm or more. 8 days 10mm or more. 4 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 34.8mm 12th .
Sunshine 255 hours - corrected for over estimate = 153 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 10.5C. Air frost 0 days. Ground frost possible 0 days. Highest 18.5C on 29th. Lowest 3C morning of 2nd. Total rain 210mm. 8 dry days. 18 days with 1mm or more. 7 days 10mm or more. 4 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 38mm 12th .

Average temp 10.3C. Air frost 3days. Ground frost possible 7 days. Highest 19.6C on 29th. Lowest -1.6C morning of 2nd. Total rain 266mm. 8 dry days 17 days with 1mm or more. 8 days 10mm or more. 5 days 20mm or more. 2 days with 40mm or more. Wettest day 41.1mm 15th .

Weather Summary April 2021 010421

High pressure dominated the weather patterns during April bringing a lot of dry and sunny weather. After a warm start, with temperatures around 17 or 18 Celsius on the 1st, cold air and chilly winds from the east and north resulted in much lower temperatures for the remainder of the month. Overnight clear skies also resulted in more frequent frosts. Despite the High pressure there were some weak weather fronts that crossed the district during the first half of the month bringing a scattering of light showers. Towards the end of the month low pressure moved south across the UK bringing some further showery rain across the district.

A chart sequence for April 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month totalled between 3 and 5mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area which is exceptionally low compared to the long term average (LTA) of around 60mm. There were between 24 and 27 dry days (LTA about 17), only 1 or 2 days with rainfall of 1mm or more (LTA 10) and there were no truly wet days. The highest totals depended on where showers fell and amounted to only 2 or 3mm. Following on from a drier than average March the amount of water in the soil has dropped below about 30% across much of SW England.

The temperature for the month averaged out around 8 Celsius, that’s over a degree colder than average. The highest temperature of between 17 and 18 Celsius was on the 1st in most places. Lowest values were on the 7th when inland temperatures dipped to between minus 1 and minus 4 Celsius, whereas a few places right on the coast remained near or slightly above freezing. The average number of April air frosts in Teignmouth is 1 night every other year, but inland frosts are more common. Inland in Dawlish, however, there were around 8 nights with an air frost and in Netherton as many as 15 frosty nights. There was a risk of ground frost on between 12 and 25 nights illustrating the chilly nature of the month.

From the 22nd to the 26th Easterly winds became very strong and produced rough seas for Dawlish and Teignmouth. The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy warmed a degree to 11 Celsius by the end of the month.

Long term average sunshine is around 186 hours in Teignmouth. The electronically recorded value across the district was between 240 and 265 hours which fits quite well with the Met Office climate assessment that sunshine across SW England was about 40% above normal.

In summary, April 2021 was exceptionally dry, much sunnier and also colder than the long term average.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. Den data added 060521
Mean temperature 7.6C (LTA 9.5C). Average Max 11.7C (LTA 12.8C). Highest 15.6 C. Average Min 3.4C (LTA 6.1C). Lowest 0.1C. Air frost 0 (Average 1 every 2 or 3 years).
Total rain less than 3.4mm (LTA 58.4mm). 25 dry days (LTA 17), less than 3* days with 1mm or more (LTA 10).
Total sun 241.9 hours (LTA 186.3 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 8C. Air frost 8 days. Ground frost possible 20 days. Highest 18C on *1st. Lowest -1.6C morning of 7th. Total rain 5mm. 24 dry days 2 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 2.8mm on 28th .

Total sun 251 hours.

Dawlish Coast Guards.
Average temp 8.2C. Air frost 0 days (Rooftop location). Highest 17.5C on 1sth. Lowest 1.1C morning of 17th. Total rain 3.6mm includes (Rooftop exposure). 25 dry days. 1 days with 1mm or more.

Dawlish Inland. Port Road exposure unknown.
Average temp 7.4C. Air frost 2days. Ground frost possible 22 days. Highest 15.9C on 1st. Lowest -0.4C morning of 17th. Total rain 3.2mm. 27 dry days. 1 day with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 3.2mm 28th .
Total sun 265 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 8C. Air frost 1 days. Ground frost possible 14 days. Highest 17C on 1st. Lowest 0C morning of 7th. Total rain 4.4mm. 25 dry days. 2 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 2mm 12th .

Average temp 6.8C. Air frost 15days. Ground frost possible 25 days. Highest 17C on 1st. Lowest -3.5C morning of 7th. Total rain 2.8mm . 26 dry days. 1 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 1.8mm 30th .
Total sun 242 hours.

Weather Summary March 2021 1st April 2021

High pressure dominated the weather pattern for most of March 2021, resulting in drier conditions than average, slightly warmer and sunnier days but with a fair number of frosty nights. It was not all fine weather of course, a weak weather front moved into the High pressure on the 3rd bringing a little rain. Low pressure took control on the 10th leading to an unsettled and rather windy spell which lasted until the 14th. Winds between North and East returned as High pressure again took control before the winds turned to between South and West after the 24th. This change brought milder air and some rain and was followed by a dry but windy period for the 27th and 28th as higher pressure developed across the SW of England.

A chart sequence for March 2021 can be viewed here.

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month totalled between 35 and 40mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area which was well below the long term average (LTA) of nearly 70mm. Rainfall totals were a little higher in the Netherton and Kingsteignton area where 50mm was recorded. There were around 7 wet days which is below the LTA of 11 wet days and there were at least 21 dry days (LTA around 15 days). The wettest day was the 12th with between 12mm to 16mm of rain recorded in most places. There was only one day when the rainfall total was over 10mm.

The temperature for the month averaged out between 8 and 8.5 Celsius which was slightly above LTA of 7.9 Celsius. The highest temperature of between 16 and 17 Celsius was on the 24th in most places although some inland areas had similar values on the 29th. The lowest temperature was on the 8th when inland values dipped to between minus 3 and minus 5 Celsius whereas some coastal locations were closer to zero. The average number of March frosts at Teignmouth is 1 night but in this March most places had between 2 and 4 night frosts and Netherton 5 nights when the temperature fell below zero Celsius.

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy warmed a degree to 10 Celsius by the end of the month.

Long term average sunshine is around 122 hours at Teignmouth. The electronically recorded value at Dawlish and Teignmouth was 170 to 180 hours which is probably an over estimate because other official sites in SW England show only slightly above average sunshine. The estimate for Teignmouth and Dawlish is around 130 hours of sunshine.

In summary, March 2021 was slightly milder, slightly sunnier and much drier than average.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den.
Mean temperature *8C (LTA 7.9C). Average Max *11C (LTA 10.9C). Average Min *5C (LTA 4.9C). Air frost 1 or 2. (Average 1 or 2). Potential 10 to 15 ground frosts.
Total rain *35mm (LTA 69.4mm). *20 dry days, *7 days with 1mm or more (LTA 11). *1 day with >= 10mm. *0 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *130 hours (LTA 122.6 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 8.2C. Air frost 4 days. Ground frost possible 11 days. Highest 16.6C on 17th. Lowest -3.5C morning of 8th. Total rain 35mm. 23 dry days 7 days with 1mm or more. 1 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 14mm 12th.
Digital sunshine 172.5hours estimated comparative value *130 hours.

Dawlish old CG rooftop rain exposure sheltered in easterlies?
Average temp 8.6C. Air frost 2days. Ground frost possible 5 days. Highest 15.5C on 17th. Lowest -1.9C morning of 8th. Total rain 22.3mm. 21 dry days 5 days with 1mm or more. 0 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 9.1mm 12th .

Dawlish Port Rd
Average temp 7.9C. Air frost 4 days. Ground frost possible 10 days. Highest 15.4C on 17th. Lowest -3.2C morning of 8th. Total rain 24mm. 23 dry days 4 days with 1mm or more. 1 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 11.9mm 12th .
Digital sunshine 194hours estimated comparative value *135 hours.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 8.4C. Air frost 3days. Ground frost possible 6 days. Highest 16.2C on 29th. Lowest -1.9C morning of 8th. Total rain 39.7mm. 20 dry days 7 days with 1mm or more. 1 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 14.5mm 12th .

Teignmouth NCI - rooftop rain exposure sheltered in westerlies?
Average temp 7.5C. Air frost 1day. Highest 15.2C on 17th. Lowest -1C morning of 8th. Total rain 32mm. 22 dry days 6 days with 1mm or more. 2 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 11.2mm 11th.

Average temp 7.7C. Air frost 5 days. Ground frost possible 13 days. Highest 16.6C on 29th. Lowest -5.1C morning of 8th. Total rain 52.8mm. 21 dry days 7 days with 1mm or more. 1 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 15.7mm 12th .
Digital sunshine 181.9hours estimated comparative value *132 hours.

Weather Summary Winter: December 2020 to February 2021 (1st March 2021)

Winter was wetter and cloudier than average but temperatures ended up only a little below average despite a particularly cold January.

Temperature: mean around 6.5 Celsius (average 6.7C)
Rainfall: 380mm (average 300mm)
Sunshine 160 hours (average 200 hours)

Weather Summary February 2021 updated 010321

Despite two colder and drier spells, February ended up slightly milder and slightly wetter than average. Low pressure over Ireland and the South of England brought mild Southwest winds and rain across the Teignmouth and Dawlish district. From the 6th, as low pressure moved away over France, Easterly winds extended over the district resulting in a drier but cold period with frequent frosts. Atlantic frontal systems edged in from the West returning much milder South to Southwest winds and leading to a rather wet and unsettled period between the 14th and 20th with exceptionally mild temperatures up until the 25th. High pressure developed across SW England for the last few days of the month bringing chilly nights but warm and sunny days.

A chart sequence for February 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month totalled around 80mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, which was a little above the 30 year long term average (LTA) of 72mm, although rainfall totals over the hills in the west of the district were nearer 100mm. There were around 14 wet days which is above the LTA of 10 wet days and there were slightly fewer dry days. The wettest day was the 20th with around 15mm of rain recorded in many places and there was 2 or 3 days when rainfall totals were over 10mm.

The temperature for the month averaged out between 6 and 7 Celsius, fractionally above the LTA of 6.4 Celsius. The highest temperature of around 15 Celsius was on the 24th and the lowest, typically around minus 1 Celsius, was in the cold spell between the 6th and 13th. For most places the coldest morning was on the 10th although Netherton recorded minus 3 Celsius on the 6th. The average number of frosts at Teignmouth is 4 nights and although some coastal areas had fewer frosts, inland, there were as many as eight nights with an air frost..

The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy started and ended the month around 9 Celsius having dipped to 7 Celsius in the middle of the month.

Long term average sunshine is around 84 hours at Teignmouth. The electronically recorded value at Dawlish and Teignmouth was 70 to 80 hours which compares fairly well with other locations in SW England which recorded slightly below average sunshine. The Teignmouth Den sunshine figure is not currently available.

It was windy on several days especially on the 8th, 9th, 11th 12th and 13th.

In summary, February 2021 compared to average was slightly; wetter, milder and cloudier.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. Estimated values add 1st March 2020
Mean temperature *7C (LTA 6.4C). Average Max *9.5C (LTA 9.1C). Average Min *4C (LTA 3.7C). Air frost *5. (Average 4).
Total rain *75mm (LTA 72mm). *10 dry days (LTA 15), *12 days with 1mm or more (LTA 10). *2 or *3 day with >= 10mm (LTA 2 or 3). *0 days with >= 20mm.
Total sun *70-80* hours (LTA 84 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 6.8C. Air frost 7days. Ground frost possible 15 days. Highest 15.3C on 24th. Lowest -1C morning of 6th and 10th. Total rain 81mm. 10 dry days. 14 days with 1mm or more. 2 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 14mm 20th. Sunshine 68.5 hours.

Dawlish Coast.
Average temp 7.3C. Air frost 3days. Highest 15.1C on 24th. Lowest -0.5C morning of 10th.

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 7C. Air frost 1days. Ground frost possible 11 days. Highest 15.7C on 24th. Lowest -0.1C morning of 10th. Total rain 85mm. 9 dry days. 15 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 13.5mm 14th.

Average temp 6.5C. Air frost 8days. Ground frost possible 16 days. Highest 15.4C on 24th. Lowest -3.1C morning of 6st. Total rain 100mm. 8 dry days. 17 days with 1mm or more. 4 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 15.9mm 20th. Sunshine 81.7 hours.

Weather Summary January 2021 1st Feb 2021

January was colder and slightly wetter than average. The month started cold with northerly winds and a few showers. High pressure to the west of Ireland moved across northern Scotland maintaining cold air across SW England producing several frosty nights. Despite weak weather systems moving south over the UK and displacing the high, cold but fairly dry weather continued until the 10th. Milder westerly winds brough a recovery in temperatures and mostly weak weather systems brought some rain or showers for a time around the middle of the month. On the 19th and 20th there was a wet and windy period associated with “Christoph” a Met Office named storm. Cold NW winds followed this storm and produced several more frosty nights between the 21st and 26th and even a little snow overnight 23rd into 24th. The return of another mild and wet spell brought the highest temperature of the month on the 28th before turning colder again at the end of the month.

A chart sequence for January 2021 can be viewed here

In terms of statistics:
Rainfall for the month totalled between 100mm and 130mm in the Dawlish and Teignmouth area, which was a little above the 30 year long term average (LTA) of around 95mm. There were roughly the same number of dry days and days with rain, around 13 of each which is similar to the LTA. The day with the most rain was the 20th with 25 to 32mm of rain recorded in many places. There were between 2 and 6 days when rainfall totals were over 10mm but just the one day with 20mm or more or rain. There was a little snow overnight 23rd/24th with a covering on some of the hills around the area.
The temperature for the month averaged out between 5 and 6 Celsius, a little lower than the LTA of 6.7 Celsius. The highest temperatures of around 15 Celsius were on the 28th and the lowest, typically between minus 2 and minus 4 Celsius, was on the 1st but in some places on the 10th. Netherton recorded almost minus 6 Celsius on the 1st. The average number of frosts at Teignmouth is 4 nights but most places around the area had at least 5 nights with an air frost and there were between 11 and 14 nights with a frost away from the coast.
The sea temperature at the Dawlish Wave Buoy was between 8 and 10 Celsius during the month.
Long term average sunshine is around 65 hours at Teignmouth. The electronically recorded value at Dawlish and Teignmouth was 35 and 42 hours respectively, which is probably an underestimate. There were 58 hours of sunshine recorded at the Exeter Met Office site. The Teignmouth Den sunshine figure is not currently available.
It was windy on several days especially on the 14th, 19th and particularly the 20th.

In summary, January 2021 was drier and colder in the first half, wetter and less cold in the second. For the month as a whole it was colder and wetter than average.

When shown * estimates were made using reports from nearby sites in order to calculate missing data. Grass frost estimates use air temp below 4C

Teignmouth Den. ESTIMATES ADDED 02 Feb 21
Mean temperature 5.5*C (LTA 6.7C). Average Max 8*C (LTA 9.4C). Average Min 3*C (LTA 4C). Air frost 8* days. (Average 4).
Total rain 100*mm (LTA 95.2mm). 11-13* dry days (LTA 11-13), 10-15* days with 1mm or more (LTA 13), 4* days with 10mm or more (LTA 3-4).
Total sun 50* hours (LTA 64.7 hours).

Dawlish inland.
Average temp 5.6C. Air frost 11 days. Ground frost possible 21 days. Highest 15.1C on 28th. Lowest -4C morning of 1st. Total rain 120mm includes trace of snow water equivalent 23/24th. 12 dry days. 14 days with 1mm or more. 5 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 31.4mm 20th. Total digital sun 35.5 hours probably an underestimate

Dawlish Coastguards - Dawlish Warren not available.
Average temp 6.2C. Air frost 5 days. Ground frost possible 18 days. Highest 15.5C on 28th. Lowest -2.4C morning of 1st. Total rain 48.5mm (LOW VALUE DUE EXPOSURE probably double). 15 dry days 12 days with 1mm or more. 1 days 10mm or more. 0 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 12.5mm 20th LOW VALUE DUE EXPOSURE probably double.

Dawlish Eastcliff.
Average temp 6.3C. Air frost 5days. Ground frost possible 19 days. Highest 15.7C on 10th. Lowest -1.4C morning of 10th. Total rain 89.2mm. 16 dry days 12 days with 1mm or more. 3 days 10mm or more. 1 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 21.3mm 20th .

Teignmouth Inland.
Average temp 5.8C. Air frost 7days. Ground frost possible 19 days. Highest 13.9C on 28th. Lowest -2.1C morning of 1st. Total rain 105mm. 13 dry days. 12 days with 1mm or more. 2 days 10mm or more. 1 day 20mm or more. Wettest day 29.7mm 30th .

Teignmouth - north end of town.
Total digital sun 41.5 hours probably an underestimate

Average temp 5.1C. Air frost 14days. Ground frost possible 20 days. Highest 13.5C on 28th. Lowest -5.8C morning of 1st. Total rain 131mm. 11 dry days. 11 days with 1mm or more. 6 days 10mm or more. 1 days 20mm or more. Wettest day 31.3mm 20th.
Total digital sun 20 hours probably an underestimate